Gratitude Experiment: Day 32

I wanted to continue with the theme from yesterday about celebrating (see last blog Gratitude Experiment Day 31) because celebration is such an important part of the practice of proactive gratitude.

First of all, understand that I’m not advocating drinking a bottle of champagne every time you have a win. The story I shared was to illustrate how I, and a lot of us, delay celebrating the little things in our lives. Most people tend not to even acknowledge the little blessings in our lives and, instead wait for the big, marching band moments to actually celebrate. Those moments sometimes never come, because we haven’t yet learned to celebrate the smaller blessings.

It’s important to give the experience you are grateful for some time, space and recognition…and then amplify the experience by infusing it with the energy of celebration. The energy of celebration brings that which you have just experienced, and are grateful for, to a level of creation. You are actually then aligning with the Creative Energy. And that is how you enter the vibration that attracts more good into your life.

How you choose to celebrate is up to you, but here are some ideas…

  • Play your favorite music and get up and dance with abandon (by yourself, with a friend or your partner)
  • Jump up and down pumping your arms like a football player whose just made a touchdown (now, those guys know how to celebrate a win!)
  • Allow the energy of excitement to bubble up inside of you and let it come out with a giant “Woo-hoo!!!”
  • Break open the good coffee, the good tea, the good chocolate, the gourmet treat of your choice you’ve been saving and enjoy.
  • Call a supportive friend and share the good news.
  • High five a friend with enthusiasm
  • Go for a run, a swim, a skate, a game of tennis,
  • Take yourself out to a favorite restaurant or movie and enjoy
  • Get a massage.
  • Get into a comfortable position, close your eyes and allow the joyous feeling of gratitude to wash through you and spill out into your life!

Okay…now it’s your turn! What’s your favorite way to celebrate? Let’s share this with each other and find various ways to celebrate…and build our celebration muscle!


My gratitudes for today…

I am grateful for the inspiration that is constantly pouring through me to share with others.

I am grateful for the wonderful White Stone service today and the opportunity to listen to inner wisdom.

I am grateful for my husband and children who are on this adventure with me.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 25

I am grateful for candlelight services, singing Christmas carols and the opportunity of participating in it with my children.

I am grateful for friends, both old and new, with whom to celebrate the holidays.

I am grateful for lively conversations by the fire and lots of tasty treats.

I am grateful for my daughter who helped me in the kitchen…working side-by-side with me, without missing a beat, or complaining…the entire day.  What a great help she is, and what a terrific way to bond with her.

I’m grateful for my other daughter who showed signs of selflessness and generosity with her sister…trading her gift for something her sister really wanted.  I am grateful she loves her guitar and doesn’t seem to want to put it down.

I am grateful for my husband’s neatness gene who cleared away the mess in no time…and generally keeps our house looking spiffy.

I am grateful for the beauty of candlelight and the bubbles in champagne.

And phew! I’m grateful it’s over…at least until next year.