Gratitude Experiment: Day 45

One of greatest benefits of practicing proactive gratitude is that you begin to realize that you live in a friendly universe that has created a magnificent world for you to enjoy.  You start to feel…deep down in your bones…that there is a force (call it Creative Intelligence, the Infinite, God, or whatever) that loves you so much that It has given you…and continues to give you…more good than you can possibly imagine. 

This is the place we want to get to in our practice of proactive gratitude.  We want to “know it in our bones.”   The Universe responds to our self-contemplation and intention.  When you feel that your life is blessed, and you are loved, then naturally you begin to feel worthy.  “Wow, I must be a pretty special person, I must be so beloved to have all these wonderful blessings given to me every day.  Hey, I must actually be worth it!” This is how we “sneak up on our worthiness” as Michael Beckwith indicates. 

This is a much more effective way to begin to accept our true worth then repeating positive affirmations to yourself all day…much more.  Positive affirmations are great, don’t get me wrong.  They have a place in our spiritual practice. But practicing proactive gratitude actually shifts the energy around our beliefs in our worthiness.

And it is that feeling of worthiness that allows the Universe to pour more blessings into your life. 


I am grateful for the lessons in my life which are appearing much more gently and peacefully than ever before.

I am grateful for a warm mug of Earl Grey tea…with milk and honey!

I am grateful for the new cherry blossoms beginning to appear in the tree at school (it’s trusting in the potential of Spring.)

I am grateful for my wonderful bank and all of the happy, helpful people that work there…truly dedicated to helping their customers.

I am grateful for my Rav4.  It’s comfortable and starts every time I get in and turn it on. Amazing.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 44

How blessed I feel to have found the practice of proactive gratitude in my life. I know that at any moment, I can turn my attitude around. I can turn my day around. I am not  a victim of circumstance or conditions.  Whatever life presents, I have the choice of discovering…of uncovering…the blessings in any situation.  Then, suddenly I’m filled with joy. I feel blessed and loved by the Divine.  Suddenly I’m lifted out of the muck and mire of human experience and transported to a magical place of miracles.   A miracle, not only that I have found and experience joy and abundance in the midst of a challenge, but also that I am now attracting more of the joy and abundance in my life. I am on the vibrational frequency of joy and abundance…and that’s what I am attracting more of. 

The same is true for each one of us. At any moment, you have the choice to choose what you will experience.  I hope you’ll choose to discover…to uncover…the blessing in every experience.  Then, you will never be a victim again. That’s true freedom.


I am grateful for such a fabulous day…sun shining, cool, moist and sparkling.

I am so grateful for the wonderful dinner with friends…people  who enthusiastically enjoy life!

I am grateful for really good bluegrass music…live.

I am grateful my daughter showed signs of maturity today…handling disappointment with grace as she cheered on others who took the prize. Hurray for her!

I am grateful for that tree today, that is feeling it’s innate “spring-ness” and despite the fact that we have another month of winter, at least, is beginning to bud.  What trust.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 40

With the recent horrific event in Haiti, it can be difficult to find something to be grateful for.  It seems so random. It seems so cruel that people who are already suffering so much from poverty and other natural disasters, should have to suffer this too.  It makes us all so sad.

First, what I believe to be true is that no one goes before his or her time.  When the agreed upon time is up, it’s then time to move on to the next experience the soul has asked for.  Now that doesn’t make it any easier for the loved ones left behind, I know.  But, I also believe that there are lessons to be learned, soul growth to accelerate, and blessings to be found in everything.  Again, not easy, but with loving support from others, lives are mended and some people have found real blessings in tragedy.

And, here’s something very real to be grateful for…this kind of event opens all our hearts and awakens our compassion.  We are given a huge wake up call to remember how connected we all are.  “This could have been my family. That could have been me, ” We might say.  Or, “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”  We are all connected in this one world community.  A mother on Twitter yesterday said that the son she was in the process of adopting was there in Haiti.  The world is getting smaller and we are seeing more and more how connected we really are. This is a good thing. It’s something that could save us as a planet. It’s something to be deeply, truly grateful for.

And, this love and compassion we are feeling moves some to give of their money and resources to help relief efforts. It moves some to go there and help out physically. It moves a lot of us to send our prayers.  it’s all good. It’s all needed. And I am grateful for it.


Gratitudes from yesterday,

I am grateful for the opportunity to run in the forest with my dog, taking new trails and trusting Divine Intelligence to lead me back safely.

I am grateful for remembering (from oh, so long ago) how to figure out equivalent fractions, so I can help my children with their homework.

I am grateful for the love and compassion of so many people and how the awakening of this energy lifts us all.

I am grateful for the hard work of people who are finishing up our attic.

I am grateful my family is safe and healthy.

The Gratitude Experiment: Day 13

Consistency is key.  It’s only when we incorporate intentional gratitude as a daily routine does it become proactive.  Practicing daily intentional gratitude gradually becomes a habit pattern in our consciousness and we have then shifted the energy in the balance of receiving blessings.  And it is then that we become magnetic to more blessings. 

This is the experiment. This is what we’re out to prove on an individual and a collective level.  Make a commitment to log in and post your gratitudes every evening before going to bed…or every morning when you rise.  Whatever suites you best.

On to gratitudes…

I’m so grateful that my house is clean from top to bottom and I didn’t have to do it!  God bless Christina.

I’m grateful for the loving support of everyone in my Keys Club Meeting. 

I am grateful for the beauty of the trees in winter…you get to see the bones of the trees. 

I am grateful my daughter is sleeping through the night more nights than not now.  We’re all more rested. I’m so grateful!