The Gratitude Experiment: Day 11

Today I am so grateful for technology.  Even though it can be so frustrating sometimes, it still an incredibly effective means of communication.  How else can you get a message out to thousands of people  in under a minute? 

I’m grateful I no longer have to spend days addressing Christmas Card envelopes…licking and stamping them all.  I can simply send a personal letter complete with our photos via the internet. 

And I’m grateful that…despite the efforts of the Iranian government to suppress word getting out of thousands of students protesting the government…the word still got out. Thanks to technology.

The Gratitude Experiment: Day 10

What I’m noticing about being in a place of gratitude (which happens only after you’ve been practicing this experiment of recognizing and posting what you are grateful for every day) is that my usual running judgmental commentary is relaxing. Instead of judging what I’m witnessing as bad or inferior…I’m just looking for something in the experience I can be grateful about. This is true whether I’m watching a musical performance, or listening to a speaker, or reading a book or talking with someone, or watching the world go around.  I’m becoming less judgemental…hence, a whole lot happier!

Today, I’m grateful for loving and supportive friends…and the opportunity to be loving and supportive to them.

I’m grateful for the beauty and abundance in nature all around me. 

I’m grateful for those two humorous squirrels who played and chased each other around a tree for at lest 30 minutes.  So entertaining!

Gratitude Experiment: Day 9

I am grateful for my morning which just flowed so easily, effortlessly and joyously.  From parking right in front, to no waiting for my appointment, to happy, loving people all around me, to having a coffee kiosk right there, right after I realized I could use a  cup o’ joe….life flowed from one effortless, joyous moment to the next.  I am so grateful for that experience and I caught a glimpse that this is how life is supposed to be when we are in the flow of gratitude for everything around us…when our hearts are open and we’re open to receiving the good!

I am also deeply grateful that the doctor who reminded me that it is now almost three years out after my cancer diagnosis and all is well.  And I am eternally grateful for the fact that the radiologist caught it so very early…before it had a chance to spread…that it needed minimal treatment to remove it and just get on with my life.  I am so very grateful!

The Gratitude Experiment: Day 8

I am grateful for my husband whose natural instinct is to just go ahead and take of things that needs taking care of…even those things I don’t realize need taking care of.  He just does it.

I am grateful for the ease with which creative ideas flow through me.

I am grateful for my children’s sense of humor and the ease with which they laugh. They remind me to lighten up.

The Gratitude Experiment: Day 7

Today I am grateful for being inside, in a beautiful, warm home by the fire will the rain pours down outside.

I am grateful for the business tips I learned today at the Chamber of Commerce and for the speaker who delivered his message passionately.

I am grateful for by daughter whose eyes sparkle with life and the the infinite amount of love packed into her little self.

Gratitude Experiment: How Does It Work?

One of the ways in which gratitude increases more experiences of good for us is that it very gently opens us up to receive. How? After a few days or weeks of being on the lookout for the good that is already in our lives…and praising that good…it begins to occur to us that we live in a friendly universe filled with blessings.  And, more importantly, that we are meant to enjoy all those blessings…that it is, in fact, personal. In this way we begin to slowly open to the idea that we’re worthy of a loving, joyous and prosperous life.

It’s as if our true worthiness were sneaking up on us. And sometimes it needs to because, not feeling worthy…and therefore not accepting good…can be a tough thing for some of us to shift.  We can’t force the shift.  Sneaky is good in the case :-)

Daily proactive gratitude is quite effective at opening us up to receive more good.  So stay with it, post your gratitudes daily, and witness as you open up to receive more good.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 6

I am grateful for my child’s enthusiasm over things I might overlook, “Look Mommy, the raindrops on your car have frozen into ice! How cool!” It wouldn’t be my first response, but her enthusiasm helps me have a different perspective.

I am grateful for antibiotics. Truly a miracle drug.

I am grateful for the guidance and support of my personal coach.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 5

Woo hoo!  I’m so grateful for all of you who have joined this experiment in gratitude and have chosen to take the time to post your gratitudes!  Please let me know as we go along how it’s going.  Have you noticed a shift in your energy? Have you noticed that…just by focusing on and rejoicing about what’s terrific in your life…you are attracting more good?

I just read this morning in Wallace Wattles book,  The Science of Getting Rich, “Our gratitude liberates an energy within us that immediately expands into the formless substance, where it is instantly returned to us in kind.”

Today I am grateful for the customer service person who answered my call on the second ring and cheerfully helped me solve my tech problem in under 5 minutes!

I am grateful for being invited as a guest on a radio show today to talk about nurturing new moms.

I am grateful for making it home safely in a rainstorm.  “I am divinely protected at all times.”

Gratitude Experiment: Day 4

I am so grateful for all the loving, supportive friends at my spiritual community, Unity of Chapel Hill! What a blessing to so loved by others, and to love them and support them. Love is most assuredly, the greatest gift of all.

I am also grateful for what does not happen. Do you ever think about how close you, or your loved-ones come on occasion to getting hurt, or getting into an accident, or losing something, or not  making it somewhere on time, but miraculously…what could happen, doesn’t.  I’m grateful for all those times!