Gratitude Experiment: Day 39

I want to continue a little more on the theme from yesterday. We were talking about getting into, and maintaining, the “feeling good” frequency that is necessary for effective manifestation of good in your life.  As I mentioned, practicing proactive gratitude is a sure way to get into that “feeling good” frequency.  Here’s why…

If you are going through your day with the mindset of looking for things to be grateful for, you are automatically overlooking the “negative”…the crap most people get sucked into while affirming, “oh boy, there it is again” (that thing I hate) or “look how awful that is” or “look what he/she said or did…aren’t they horrible.” And very soon you begin to feel pretty bad.  You begin to feel that most of your life stinks.  You begin to feel like a person that bad things keep happening to. There’s a word for that…victim.  Being a victim doesn’t feel good, and victims are not empowered to attract what they want into their lives.

But when you’re in the mind-set of searching for things to be grateful for, you see all the good stuff other people miss.  You see…and celebrate…all the beauty, all the love, all the joy, all the abundance, all the parts of your life that do work.  Focusing on that feels pretty good.  After practicing this for awhile, you begin to realize that the universe is a friendly place and has already given you a magnificent life.  That feels even better.  You don’t ignore that parts of your life that aren’t working.  On the contrary, you feel more empowered to do what’s necessary to change it.  And then…

After a while, this practice of proactive gratitude literally rewires the circuitry in your brain.  You are able to maintain that “feel good” frequency necessary to manifest your heart’s desires.  You go “from glory to greater glory.”


I am grateful for these insights and the forum to share them with others.

I am grateful that my children now both love school. They go to school with happiness in their hearts. I am so grateful for this!

I am grateful for the sweet sound of the beautiful song-bird in my backyard.

I am grateful that the work on my attic is moving forward and am grateful that it will be done soon!

Gratitude Experiment: Day 38

New thought leader (and my teacher,) Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith said in the movie and book, The Secret,  “This is a feeling Universe.  So if you have just an intellectual understanding of something, it doesn’t necessarily have the power to manifest. You have to FEEL it” (with a large emphasis on the word feel!)  Many new thought teachers speak about the importance of feeling good, and feeling that your good is here now. 

And, many students wonder how to capture that “feeling.”  More importantly, once captured, how to maintain the “feeling joyous place.”   Well, here’s how…

Practice proactive gratitude.  It’s really what gratitude is all about.  When you are on the lookout for things to be grateful for, and you revel in that blessings, and then you document these blessings by writing it in your journal, or posting it here (which increases the power as other people read and rejoice with you) then you’ve got the key to maintaining a “feeling tone” of love, joy and peace.  It is this “feeling tone” that is the frequency that attracts more and more blessings into our lives and yes, manifests your desires!

Practicing proactive gratitude is such a simple way to stay in the feeling space that has the power to manifest what you have asked for…your heart’s desires.


I am grateful for a day to sleep in and not rush and just enjoy the morning with my family.

I am grateful for my new smart phone and all the cool stuff I can do with it.

I am grateful for the power of team work and the process of Appreciative Inquiry.

I am grateful for the smell of fresh herbs and how special they make food taste.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 37

I love reading all of your gratitudes!  It increases the positive energy of gratitude when I hook into another’s gratitude and I can be grateful for their good.  I encourage all participants to read other’s posts and revel in their blessings.  It’s about increasing the loving, attraction energy field of gratitude here, and that can be achieved by celebrating our own gratitudes…as well as celebrating others!  Try it and you’ll see what I mean.

Also, while it is wonderful to be grateful for the overall state of things in our lives (ie, our health, our relationships, our spiritual connection, etc.) it’s also very powerful to be specific. 

For example, I could say, “I am grateful for my wonderful dog.” That’s general. Or, I can say, “I’m grateful for the way my dog came over to me while I was lying on the couch just now and nuzzled her snout into the crook of my neck.”  That’s specific.  Or, “I’m grateful for the beautiful sunset tonight.” Or, “I’m grateful for that amazing shade of orangey-pink that was layered on top of the lavender-blue.  God’s color pallet is so perfect.”  Experiment with a little more specificity and see how it feels to you.

Being specific also helps us to look for, and celebrate, the small (but, ultimately large) blessings that make up our lives.  It helps sharpen our vision.  It enhances our experience of appreciation and love.

And, as always, use discretion when sharing specifics. You don’t need to mention names or exact locations, or that sort of thing.  But just be on the lookout for what makes something beautiful…specifically, or what makes something sweetly loving, or what you love about someone…specifically.


I am grateful for having a dear old friend in our home and way she makes us all laugh so easily.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 36

Last night, just as I was about to climb into bed and place my very full glass of water on the bedside table, it spilled…the whole thing…all over all my books, papers, etc (lots of etcetera!)  I was so tired and knew I’d have to get up before dawn again to get my kids ready for school.  Immediately a God d….n it! issued forth from my mouth. Then, while cleaning it up, I realized there was a huge pile of magazines, papers, books and other stuff that I wasn’t ever going to get around to reading, and was essentially a very large pile o’ junk.  I suddenly realized what a blessing the spilt water was, as I had the opportunity to go through and recycle all that stuff, keeping there only what I am currently reading. 

I gave thanks for the spilt water.  I woke up feeling so light and uncluttered.

This is a small thing, I know.  But the idea of finding the blessing in, and expressing gratitude for, those experiences that feel, at the time like curses, is a spiritual practice.  A practice which fills us with love and joy, keeps us connected with Source, draws more good to us, and transforms our lives. 

I began thinking of other challenging experiences where I have found the blessing and am grateful for it.  Breast cancer for one.  I’m so grateful that during that experience I had the opportunity of recognizing and clearing out all the resentment and unforgiveness that was clogging my psyche and my body. At a relatively young age, I had the opportunity of letting that all go and choosing to perceive relationships and, life in general, from a higher perspective.  I don’t have to carry all that around with me into my old age…weighing me down.

I’m grateful that I was not able to have children when I wanted them, and had to work really hard to conceive.  I wasn’t ready for them. I wasn’t mature enough.  And the effort it took prepped me for the selflessness and sacrifice that parenting requires.

We can do this for our world as well.  Aren’t we all grateful that the would-be suicide airline bomber on Christmas Day was…not only foiled in his attempt…but also that it happened.  We are now increasing security and, more importantly, intelligence gathering and dissemination.  We are actually more secure as a nation because of it.

The list can go on and on…

And, I see from a lot of your comments that you too, are engaged in this practice of claiming a blessing from challenging experiences.   I’d be interested in hearing how that practice has brought forth a blessing for you specifically.  We’d all benefit from reading it.  So, I’m thanking you in advance!

Gratitude Experiment: Day 35

Continuing on the theme from yesterday, I wanted to expand on the idea of writing goals and intentions for the New Year from a place of gratitude.   When you take some time to turn within and unify with the love and gratitude in your heart, you are actually connecting with the creative energy of the Universe.  It’s the same creative energy that creates, guides and governs the movement of the stars, solar systems and galaxies.

It’s this same creative energy that all great inventors and creators like Edison, the Wright Brothers, Tesla, and Jonas Salk accessed to catch the vision of the formula, device or medicine that still benefits humankind today.   They all began with the end in mind.  They’re weren’t certain how they were going to get there. They simply had faith that the way would make itself known soon enough if they just kept the vision forefront in their minds and moved forward in action.

How do you have faith that “the way will make itself known”?  That’s where gratitude comes in.  The energy of gratitude says to the universe, “Thank you for the vision. I understand that having the vision is simply the flip-side of the actual realization of (whatever it is). I am so grateful for this wonderful new good that is in the process of manifesting and I am grateful for being Divinely guided to do whatever I need to do in the process. I am grateful that this is already complete in the mind of God, therefore it is already done. The actual manifestation is just the details.”

And, with this energy of true gratitude comes a feeling of elation, of celebration. We allow ourselves to jump up and down with excitement that it is “a given” and we move forward always listening to our inner guidance.

Ernest Holmes, a pioneer in the field of Law of Attraction, wrote in his masterwork, The Science of Mind, “Faith looks to the invisible, and instead of seeing a void, fastens it’s gaze on a solid reality.”  Take that idea with you into your heart as you write your intentions or vision for the New Year.  And let me know how it goes for you.


My gratitudes for yesterday…

I am so grateful for all the new people who have joined us here on the Gratitude Experiment and who are sharing some really amazing things. It’s so inspiring to me and to all of us!

I’m grateful that my little Gratitude Experiment video came out so well! I’m really happy about it. If you haven’t seen it yet, go to and take a peek. Then, forward it to everyone you know!

I’m grateful for my Keys group and the love and support we offer each other.

I’m grateful for getting a terrific sitter at the last minute!

Gratitude Experiment: Day 34

Many of us write down our goals, intentions or vision statements at the beginning of the year.  It’s a good practice as it helps our mind focus on the results we want to achieve and helps direct Universal energy.

But, before you begin the process of writing, it’s a good idea to first turn within and direct your attention to your heart.  Allow feelings of love to well up within you as you contemplate what your life will look like…and how you will feel…when your goals are achieved.

Then, connect with the energy of gratitude as you are picturing your life complete, intentions realized, goals accomplished.  Turn on this energy of gratitude and let it pour out of you and onto the page as you begin to write your intentions and vision statement.

Be grateful that you have the power to co-create your life. Be grateful that you have the ability to choose how you will live your life from this moment on.  Be grateful that Universal energy is there to assist you…bringing about synchronistic events and orchestrating circumstances that you could never figure out on your own. Be grateful for the Divine guidance that guides you to know what to do, where to go, what to say…and to whom.

Gratitude is such an important part of goal achievement and the manifestation process in general.  Jesus always give thanks to the Father before he even asked. “I give thanks that thou hast heard me and thou hearsest me always.” is what he said first, before performing miracles.  Expressing gratitude before you receive the blessings you’re asking for is the ultimate act of faith.


My gratitudes for today…

I am grateful for the wisdom that I am a co-creator.

I am grateful for my creativity.

I am grateful for the ease of my movie maker program.

I am grateful that my attic is now in process of being completed.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 33

I am grateful my children are back in school. I’m even more grateful they love school now. Woo-hoo!

I am grateful for all the wonderful new people who have joined us recently and are sharing in this exciting experiment and sharing their gratitudes.

I am grateful the road into the city is finished and is sooooo much easier to get through in less time.

I am grateful for time to organize and clear out the clutter!

I am grateful for the divine inspiration today.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 32

I wanted to continue with the theme from yesterday about celebrating (see last blog Gratitude Experiment Day 31) because celebration is such an important part of the practice of proactive gratitude.

First of all, understand that I’m not advocating drinking a bottle of champagne every time you have a win. The story I shared was to illustrate how I, and a lot of us, delay celebrating the little things in our lives. Most people tend not to even acknowledge the little blessings in our lives and, instead wait for the big, marching band moments to actually celebrate. Those moments sometimes never come, because we haven’t yet learned to celebrate the smaller blessings.

It’s important to give the experience you are grateful for some time, space and recognition…and then amplify the experience by infusing it with the energy of celebration. The energy of celebration brings that which you have just experienced, and are grateful for, to a level of creation. You are actually then aligning with the Creative Energy. And that is how you enter the vibration that attracts more good into your life.

How you choose to celebrate is up to you, but here are some ideas…

  • Play your favorite music and get up and dance with abandon (by yourself, with a friend or your partner)
  • Jump up and down pumping your arms like a football player whose just made a touchdown (now, those guys know how to celebrate a win!)
  • Allow the energy of excitement to bubble up inside of you and let it come out with a giant “Woo-hoo!!!”
  • Break open the good coffee, the good tea, the good chocolate, the gourmet treat of your choice you’ve been saving and enjoy.
  • Call a supportive friend and share the good news.
  • High five a friend with enthusiasm
  • Go for a run, a swim, a skate, a game of tennis,
  • Take yourself out to a favorite restaurant or movie and enjoy
  • Get a massage.
  • Get into a comfortable position, close your eyes and allow the joyous feeling of gratitude to wash through you and spill out into your life!

Okay…now it’s your turn! What’s your favorite way to celebrate? Let’s share this with each other and find various ways to celebrate…and build our celebration muscle!


My gratitudes for today…

I am grateful for the inspiration that is constantly pouring through me to share with others.

I am grateful for the wonderful White Stone service today and the opportunity to listen to inner wisdom.

I am grateful for my husband and children who are on this adventure with me.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 31

Ringing in the New Year with a champagne toast reminded me of a time  many years ago when my husband and I were first married. We were living in a small rented house, struggling to make ends meet and working jobs neither of us loved. On one anniversary, someone gave us a bottle of Perrier Jouet.  I remember thinking, “that’s $100 a bottle…a lovely gift, but that’s money we could have used to pay some bills.”

Consequently, the bottle stayed on our shelf, looking lovely, but we didn’t dare open it.  We were waiting for the right occasion to pop that cork.  And we waited, and waited…and waited.  Were there events to celebrate? Sure, but, no occasion seemed to be big enough to celebrate it with expensive champagne. 

When my husband finally got the “dream job” I said, I think now’s the time to celebrate with the good champagne.  “No,” he said, “let’s wait to see if they’re actually going to keep me. This could only last one season.”  Wow, that sounded fatalistic even to me.  But, we waited and waited. 

I think that bottle sat there for years.  We refused to celebrate the good stuff in our lives. Why? Because we were afraid they’d come to an end? Because they weren’t big enough for good champagne?  I think the moment I discovered I was pregnant, after trying for a very long time, we felt that might be the moment to really celebrate and open the good stuff.   So, we finally opened it. But of course, because I was now pregnant, I wasn’t supposed to drink.  I think I had a half a glass…guiltily.

I realize now, how limiting that was.  We were actually limiting the good that could come to us becuase we refused to celebrate the good we had. 

So, don’t wait to open the good stuff and celebrate…even the small things in life, the good moments…the love you feel…the relationship that has mended…the new client…the sale…the good news…a new hairdo! Heck, why not?  Life’s short.

And, the more you recognize and celebrate the small stuff, the more good things you’ll find to celebrate. 

So open the fine champagne, or the good tea, or the fine chocolates, or the fun music. Whatever it is that puts a smile on your face and makes you feel like this is a special moment…do it!   It is a special moment. Celebrate it!

Today, I am grateful for lessons learned and another change to begin again.

Gratitude Experiment: New Year’s Day

I just finished my list of 100 gratitudes! Woo hoo! I did it over the course of a couple days and took my time with it.

Have you done yours yet?

It’s interesting that around 35 or 40 it felt like I wasn’t going to be able to come up with 100! But I just dug deeper and discovered so many things in the past year that I’m grateful for and by the time I got to 99, I thought I had about 50 more to add.

Anyway, if you haven’t done it yet, don’t worry it’s not too late!  Just start it and, before you know it, you’ll be swimming in gratitude.  You’ll be riding the top of the wave of an energy of love that has been moving in your life, and….by your recognition of it…will flood your life with more love, more joy, more prosperity and more blessings than you can image. 

So start your list of 100 things for which to be grateful in 2009 and get ready…the floodgates are opening!

Happy New Year and let’s affirm together that this year will be the best of our lives!