Gratitude Experiment: Day 48

Some days are more difficult than others to find things to be grateful for.  I had one of those today.  But, that’s where the real work comes in.  That’s when we need to “refresh the screen” of our minds and take a look at where our thinking has been leading us.   Like taking our minds off autopilot, we have the power of observe what’s going on in there.  What’s been running the programing?  And “running the programming” is exactly what our minds do, because our thoughts, complaints, fears, annoyances, feeling victimized, etc, create the content of our lives. 

When we do  become aware of what we have been focusing on, the next thing we need to do it forgive our self for it, rather than beating our self up about it (“God, there you go again!”)  No.  It’s about gently moving off the programming of negativity and beginning to notice what might be really great in our life right now. Once you’ve noticed just one thing,  you will soon notice another. You will begin to notice more and more things to be grateful for.  And before you know it, your whole consciousness is full gratitudes and your vibration is lifted.  And it is then that you begin to attract more experiences of joy, love, prosperity and well-being.


I am grateful for meditation, and how easy it is for me to move into a place of connection to Source.

I am grateful no one got hurt sledding today.

I am grateful for all the food in my pantry.

I am grateful for dark chocolate!

I am grateful for the chance to begin again tomorrow.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 47

I am grateful for the beauty of a fresh layer of snow and how it glistens in the sunlight.

I am grateful for the opportunity of not being able to go anywhere…the perfect excuse to stay home and play.

I am grateful for the experience of laughing with friends and family and the flood of positive energy that pours into our when we do.

I am grateful that my kids got to spend some time with their Uncle.

I am grateful for all the kids in the neighborhood.  I love seeing their faces and watching them enjoy the snow.

Gratitude Exeriment: Day 46

The practice of Proactive Gratitude is surely discipline that requires us being vigilant…vigilant in our thoughts and reactions to events and people in our lives. It is so easy to react to frustrating occurrences by getting angry, particularly if we’re sure it’s someone else’s fault.  We feel justified in our anger.  It’s easy to react to current physical “facts” like seeing a lack of money in our bank account and many bills to pay. It’s easy to get fearful and upset.  It’s easy to react to loss or rejection by friends, lovers or potential employers by getting depressed.  These are all natural human reactions and our friends will agree with us that we should feel this way.  It also keeps us stuck in the problem and stuck in “victim-consciousness”.   But, what do victims attract?  More abuse.

The good news is that we have a choice.  It may not be as easy a choice, but it’s the choice that will empower us.   The moment we begin to feel ourselves reacting…we can at the moment stop, take a few deep breaths and allow our minds to shift into another perspective.  We can then see these “facts” or events from a higher perspective.  We can open ourselves to the possibility that there may be something greater behind the current circumstance.  There may, in fact, be a blessing in it.  Then we can move to a place of TRUST that there is a blessing in this experience and it is making itself known to us.  

Current circumstances are temporary. The question is…will we continue to experience these same circumstances over and over?  We certainly will if we only look at how “awful” the situation is and bemoan it.  If we never look for the blessing within the challenge, or see it from a higher perspective.  We are doomed to repeat it.

It’s when we have the courage to take that time, open our heart and our minds and trust that something wonderful is on it’s way…that this situation could be just the thing that will propel our growth into a new plateau of joy and success.

We’ve all heard stories of people who’ve worked at a company for years and relied on the steady paycheck, then suddenly the rug is pulled from underneath them and they’re layed off.  Those who focus on how horrible it is, and spend their energy blaming others are doomed to repeat it, or experience anger and frustration their whole life.  Then there are those with whom…this same event occurs…and they’ve chosen to see it as a blessing. They’re grateful for it happening because they can now pursue something they’ve always wanted to do.

The same for so many relationships that end.  It feels so painful and it’s so easy to blame the other, but those who do are doomed to repeat painful relationship after painful relationship. Those who are grateful for the loss very often soon find someone else…someone so much better suited to them.   Or, they simply and truly love the solitude.

But this takes work.  It takes practice. Practice makes perfect. As my friend Pete says, “How does one get to Carnegie Hall – PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. This is a process that takes work, repetition, dedication, and a desire to create good in one’s life to share with others: To co-create with God! ”

But the rewards are nothing less than transformational.  The rewards for putting in the effort to search out the blessing in challenging situation, will change your vibration so that you will begin to attract more joyful, more prosperous, and more loving experiences.

I have a situation in my life right now that I am occasionally tempted to get overwhelmed with fear about.  Something that helps me stay focused on the higher picture and assures me that all is working out beautifully and that this will, indeed be such a tremendous blessing to me in the end, is to repeat the following…

“There is a Divine solution to this situation and it is appearing now, harmoniously and for the highest good for all concerned.”

More on this important topic tomorrow.


My Gratitudes:

I’m grateful for finding a woman who does the best ever theraputic massage.  I’ve never experienced anything like this before.  I can turn my head in every direction with ease. Bless you Nancy Lee!

I am grateful for the perfect Divine solution to my situation. I know something wonderful is on it’s way.  This is a complete blessing for me.

I  am grateful my daughter made up with a girl she was fighting with for a long time.  I am grateful the love was felt more than the anger.  Love triumphed!

I am grateful for the time, energy and insight necessary to maintain this Gratitude Experiment site.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 45

One of greatest benefits of practicing proactive gratitude is that you begin to realize that you live in a friendly universe that has created a magnificent world for you to enjoy.  You start to feel…deep down in your bones…that there is a force (call it Creative Intelligence, the Infinite, God, or whatever) that loves you so much that It has given you…and continues to give you…more good than you can possibly imagine. 

This is the place we want to get to in our practice of proactive gratitude.  We want to “know it in our bones.”   The Universe responds to our self-contemplation and intention.  When you feel that your life is blessed, and you are loved, then naturally you begin to feel worthy.  “Wow, I must be a pretty special person, I must be so beloved to have all these wonderful blessings given to me every day.  Hey, I must actually be worth it!” This is how we “sneak up on our worthiness” as Michael Beckwith indicates. 

This is a much more effective way to begin to accept our true worth then repeating positive affirmations to yourself all day…much more.  Positive affirmations are great, don’t get me wrong.  They have a place in our spiritual practice. But practicing proactive gratitude actually shifts the energy around our beliefs in our worthiness.

And it is that feeling of worthiness that allows the Universe to pour more blessings into your life. 


I am grateful for the lessons in my life which are appearing much more gently and peacefully than ever before.

I am grateful for a warm mug of Earl Grey tea…with milk and honey!

I am grateful for the new cherry blossoms beginning to appear in the tree at school (it’s trusting in the potential of Spring.)

I am grateful for my wonderful bank and all of the happy, helpful people that work there…truly dedicated to helping their customers.

I am grateful for my Rav4.  It’s comfortable and starts every time I get in and turn it on. Amazing.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 44

How blessed I feel to have found the practice of proactive gratitude in my life. I know that at any moment, I can turn my attitude around. I can turn my day around. I am not  a victim of circumstance or conditions.  Whatever life presents, I have the choice of discovering…of uncovering…the blessings in any situation.  Then, suddenly I’m filled with joy. I feel blessed and loved by the Divine.  Suddenly I’m lifted out of the muck and mire of human experience and transported to a magical place of miracles.   A miracle, not only that I have found and experience joy and abundance in the midst of a challenge, but also that I am now attracting more of the joy and abundance in my life. I am on the vibrational frequency of joy and abundance…and that’s what I am attracting more of. 

The same is true for each one of us. At any moment, you have the choice to choose what you will experience.  I hope you’ll choose to discover…to uncover…the blessing in every experience.  Then, you will never be a victim again. That’s true freedom.


I am grateful for such a fabulous day…sun shining, cool, moist and sparkling.

I am so grateful for the wonderful dinner with friends…people  who enthusiastically enjoy life!

I am grateful for really good bluegrass music…live.

I am grateful my daughter showed signs of maturity today…handling disappointment with grace as she cheered on others who took the prize. Hurray for her!

I am grateful for that tree today, that is feeling it’s innate “spring-ness” and despite the fact that we have another month of winter, at least, is beginning to bud.  What trust.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 43

Continuing on the theme from the last post on practicing proactive gratitude with respect to  relationships and “difficult” people…

Often when we have an encounter with a “difficult” person, it brings up our anger, fear, resentment, sense of righteous indignation, and other strong emotions.  Strong “negative” emotions are always a signal to us…a signal that there’s something within us that’s unhealed. And, the encounter helps to bring it to the surface…and right in our face. 

For example, I find myself getting upset with people who behave like uncaring bureaucrats. Like some customer service personnel or government employees who apparently hate their jobs, and don’t really care about the customer’s needs. They’re simply answering the phones and following a script of responses to questions.   This just gets my blood boiling.  I think to myself, “why on earth would this person take a job where they have to deal with the public on any level?”

Okay, now I can (and have) felt very justified in my anger and end up slamming down the phone and screaming into it after I’ve hung up.  A lot of good this does, eh?  How about instead, I look at one of two things in myself…

A.) Where am I uncaring and unloving to others? Where do I brush people off and wish they’d just go away?   If I can see this in myself, I can bring it to the light for healing.  In this case the customer service person serves as a mirror to me.  He or she has held up a mirror so I can see how I do this and heal it.  Then perhaps I won’t need to attract that kind of person into my life anymore (and in fact, I have been encountering some amazingly friendly and helpful customer service people lately!)   So…I can be grateful for this person. They have, unknowingly, helped me heal!

or, B) This customer service person is showing me something in myself that feels not worthy of being treated well.  I can then ask myself, “What is it in me that feels unworthy of being treated with respect? Where in my childhood have I been ignored, dismissed and made to feel small and unimportant?”  Ahhh, there it is.  Then I can ask my higher self for guidance into that experience, or root of feeling unworthy. Now that I am aware of this, I can heal it.  Once it’s healed I no longer need to attract this kind of person into my life anymore.  And, a lot of other stuff will clear up as well!  So, can I be grateful for this customer service representative?  You betcha!  What a gift he or she has been to me.

Try this little experiement the next time you encounter someone who tries your patience and brings up your anger, fear, etc.  Let me know how it goes for you!


My gratitudes for yesterday…

Ah, I’m grateful for the beautiful sunset last night.  They way the last bit of sun shone through the clouds and reflected such brilliant pinks and oranges.

I’m grateful for the fun time I had with my kids yesterday…just having an ice cream and helping them with their homework.

I am grateful for all the survivors that have been pulled from the rubble in Haiti…even a week later!

I am grateful for the compassion and opening of so many hearts, and the awareness of the need for healing in that part of the world.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 42

We can also use gratitude to improve our relationships.  There’s the obvious use of gratitude in acknowledging our partner, children, family members or friends, and express to them verbally how much we appreciate them and whatever specific thing or quality we enjoy. Doing this never fails to encourage people to do more of whatever you appreciated. It also helps to lift their vibration and brings more love to the relationship.  There’s certainly no better way to get children to do what you want them to do, then by noticing and appreciating and heaping praise on them for those times they actually are behaving.

But, there’s also another use of gratitude that’s not so obvious…and admittedly, a little more difficult.  We all encounter people (family, friends and acquaintances) who are unpleasant or are just plain difficult.  It doesn’t come naturally to be grateful for them.  However, if we can take a moment and look a little deeper and notice that in this person’s heart is love. They’re just doing a good job of covering it up.  But, you play the detective…seek for that place of love within him or  her and then express gratitude for them (silently in your own heart.)  Focus on their true self. Focus on the love inside them…however buried it is…and give thanks for them.

You will be amazed at how quickly people will turn around and respond in kind. We are all connected and they will feel this love you’re sending their way on a deep, non-verbal level.

Try it today and tomorrow and let me know how it goes.


I am grateful for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his courage and commitment to peaceful protest. I am grateful for how he changed this country…and the world.

I am grateful for a family day and the opportunity to be together, relaxed and having fun.

I am grateful for the warmth of the sun shining today on this winter day.

I am grateful for seeing the new moon tonight and how it looked just like the smile of Cheshire Cat.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 41

Gratitude is the energy that gets me through on even tough days like today. I am grateful for the power of gratitude to transform my experience of life from victim-hood to empowered…to an awareness that I co-create my life. I choose how to feel. I choose what my experience is.  Life is filled with so much beauty and so much love, and so much abundance of good.  I choose to focus on that.

I am grateful for the service this morning and the soul-awakening music and message.

I am grateful for the presence of friends…and the laughter.

I am grateful for Moose tracks ice cream.

I am grateful for the cleansing rain.

I am grateful for my daughter and her undying love.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 41

I am so grateful for the baby girl who was rescued yesterday…pulled out of the rubble from a collapsed building in Haiti after 68 hours!  And she’s totally fine and reunited with her uncle. What a miracle!

I am grateful for the dinner guest tonight who took us outside to look at the stars.  This astronomy buff helped open our eyes to the miraculous Milky Way.  The constellations and galaxies that are always there every night….but I rarely take the time to notice.

I am grateful for the little rainbows that dance along my bathroom walls in the morning.  I am grateful for the realization that it’s pure Source light refracted in a window which displays its white light in a variety of beautiful colors.  It’s similar to how pure Source expresses as us…a variety of beautiful color and dimension.

As I witness a thing of beauty and allow the feeling of gratitude well up inside me I can feel my consciousness expanding and my world becomes more vibrantly alive. It am getting closer to understanding what a gift life is.  This is the transformative power of gratitude. 

After practicing proactive gratitude for awhile, your world will never be the same.  You will never look at things the same way.  You will seldom overlook the miracles that occur all around us, all the time.  The miracles that most don’t see.  This is how a baby sees the world.  It’s how we all saw the world at one time.  We learn to overlook it. We learn to become immune to the miraculous world around us.  And we can unlearn.

That’s the transformative power of gratitude.

Gratitude Experiment: Day 40

With the recent horrific event in Haiti, it can be difficult to find something to be grateful for.  It seems so random. It seems so cruel that people who are already suffering so much from poverty and other natural disasters, should have to suffer this too.  It makes us all so sad.

First, what I believe to be true is that no one goes before his or her time.  When the agreed upon time is up, it’s then time to move on to the next experience the soul has asked for.  Now that doesn’t make it any easier for the loved ones left behind, I know.  But, I also believe that there are lessons to be learned, soul growth to accelerate, and blessings to be found in everything.  Again, not easy, but with loving support from others, lives are mended and some people have found real blessings in tragedy.

And, here’s something very real to be grateful for…this kind of event opens all our hearts and awakens our compassion.  We are given a huge wake up call to remember how connected we all are.  “This could have been my family. That could have been me, ” We might say.  Or, “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”  We are all connected in this one world community.  A mother on Twitter yesterday said that the son she was in the process of adopting was there in Haiti.  The world is getting smaller and we are seeing more and more how connected we really are. This is a good thing. It’s something that could save us as a planet. It’s something to be deeply, truly grateful for.

And, this love and compassion we are feeling moves some to give of their money and resources to help relief efforts. It moves some to go there and help out physically. It moves a lot of us to send our prayers.  it’s all good. It’s all needed. And I am grateful for it.


Gratitudes from yesterday,

I am grateful for the opportunity to run in the forest with my dog, taking new trails and trusting Divine Intelligence to lead me back safely.

I am grateful for remembering (from oh, so long ago) how to figure out equivalent fractions, so I can help my children with their homework.

I am grateful for the love and compassion of so many people and how the awakening of this energy lifts us all.

I am grateful for the hard work of people who are finishing up our attic.

I am grateful my family is safe and healthy.