If you’ve spent any length of time in personal development, spiritual community or New Thought, you know the importance of eliminating…as much as possible…negative thinking, limiting beliefs, self-defeating self-talk, or…as some refer to it, “stinkin’ thinkin”…and to instead embrace more positive, possibility thinking.
Why? Because our thoughts…or more accurately our energy (which is by and large created by our thoughts) tends to create our experience in life. If informs how we react to situations and…to a large degree…in creating those very situation. This is, of course, basic New Thought 101
In practice though, we often find it’s not so easy to control our thinking and to consciously shift those limited, negative thoughts and to instead think positive, life affirming one. Particularly when situations are challenging.
In a talk I gave the Sunday before Thanksgiving I reveal a much easier, and much more effective way to approach it. It’s what Spiritual Economics author and legendary Unity minister, Eric Butterworth, calls cultivating a grateful heart.
Click here to watch that talk now. And please leave your feedback.
Abundant blessings!