Gratitude Experiment: Day 41

Gratitude is the energy that gets me through on even tough days like today. I am grateful for the power of gratitude to transform my experience of life from victim-hood to empowered…to an awareness that I co-create my life. I choose how to feel. I choose what my experience is.  Life is filled with so much beauty and so much love, and so much abundance of good.  I choose to focus on that.

I am grateful for the service this morning and the soul-awakening music and message.

I am grateful for the presence of friends…and the laughter.

I am grateful for Moose tracks ice cream.

I am grateful for the cleansing rain.

I am grateful for my daughter and her undying love.

3 thoughts on “Gratitude Experiment: Day 41

  1. I have Gratitude for My Fellow Beings
    For Life’s Circle of Experinces
    For my Elders and thier Life’s Gifting
    for Working in a field that gives Aide to others
    for the Sunrise & Sunsets
    for Moonrises ANd Moonsets the cycle of great Mothers Life

  2. I am grateful today for my husband and his willingness to grow. I am grateful for miracles around me. I ama grateful for the rain washing us today. I am grateful for healing.

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